Sunday, August 8, 2010


Well, it has been about a year and a half since I bought this computer so it is about time for glitches to start appearing.  (Sometimes I think the manufacturer programs them so that things just start working less efficiently after a year or two.)  So, it is time to get some things sorted out before they begin to multiply so my lovely little laptop will be going in for a bit of tweaking.  I have fixed all that I can on my own but the one thing that is left probably involves messing about with the registry and I just don't go there!

So, this is just a short post to let everyone know that regularly scheduled posts will be suspended for a time -- until I have a healthy laptop again.  Hopefully, it will be a SHORT suspension and I will be back in time for Wednesday/Thursday's post -- but if not, keep checking back . . . I SHALL return . . . mwah ha ha ha!